Coq Tactics
: move hypotheses/variables from goal to contextTo introduce a conjunctive hypothesis
A /\ B
intoH1: A; H2: B
, useintros [H1 H2]
.To introduce a disjunctive hypothesis
A \/ B
intoH1: A; H2: B
, useintros [H1 | H2]
.Patterns can be nested:
[[Ha|Hb] H]
can be used to split(A \/ B) /\ C
. -
: finish the proof (when the goal looks likee = e
) (반사성) -
apply L
: prove goal using a hypothesis, lemma, or constructorL
must be immediately match-able within the goal. (backward reasoning)If we assume the goal is true,
goal L -> goal ------------------ L
In other words, if we know
L -> goal
and we are trying to provegoal
, it suffices to proveL
. -
apply L in H
: apply a hypothesis, lemma, or constructorL
to a hypothesisH
in the context (forward reasoning)H H -> H' ------------- H'
In other words, if we have hypothesis
and an implicationH -> H'
is true in the context. -
apply L with (a := b)
: explicitly specify values for variables that cannot be determined by pattern matching. Attempts application ofL
with occurences ofa
replaced withb
. (variable renaming/ quantifier matching) -
: simplify computations in the goal -
simpl in H
: … or within a hypothesisH
simpl in *
: … or on all contexts and goals. This notation is also possible with other tactics that admitin
. -
rewrite L
: use an equality hypothesis (or lemma)L
to rewrite the goal. use -
rewrite <- L
: Rewrite from right to left of the lemma. -
rewrite L in H
: … or within a hypothesisH
rewrite L at n
: Rewrite only then
th occurence term that matchesL
. Rewrite finds the first matching subterm in depth-first search order. Only subterms identical to that first matched subterm are rewritten. -
: changes a goal of the formt=u
symmetry in H
: changes a hypothesis of the formt=u
transitivity y
: prove a goalx=z
by proving two new subgoals,x=y
(추이성) -
unfold x
: replace a defined constantx
by its right-hand side in the goal. Frequentlyx
is a function. (함수 전개) -
unfold x, y
: … or unfold multiple definitions -
unfold x in H
: … or within a hypothesisH
destruct x as ...
: case analysis on values of inductively defined typex
p = X * Y; destruct p as (x, y)
destruct x eqn:E
: specify the name of an equation(E
) to be added to the context, recording the result of the case analysis.x
can be an inductively defined type or an equation that yields an inductively defined type.destruct n eqn:Eqn. (* n is type nat *) - (* case 1: n = 0 *) - (* case 2: n = S n' for some nat n' *)
destruct H as [Hn Hm]
(On hypotheses with logical conjunction/disjunction):Another way to use destruct is to “split” a hypothesis with a logical AND into two hypotheses. e.g.)
n, m : nat H : n = 0 /\ m = 0
destruct H as [Hn Hm]
yields:> destruct H as [Hn Hm]. Hn : n = 0 Hm : m = 0 ---------------
Destructing a conjunctive hypothesis is common that if you have a hypothesis
with a conjunctive form, you can compressesintros H; destruct H as [Hn Hm]
intointros [Hn Hm]
(when it’s the hypothesis’s turn to be introduced). Brackets can be nested for multiple conjunctive statements.If you dont need a portion, simply use
to throw it away:destruct H as [Hn _]. (* Onky keeps Hn *)
The same works for disjunctive hypotheses. However, it creates two subgoals, one with left being true and another with right being true.
destruct H as [x' H']
(On hypotheses with existential quantifiers):If there’s a hypothesis
such that it containt an existential quantifier, e.g)H : exists x : nat, S n = S n' + x
, using
destruct H as [x' H']
introduces a variablex'
which satisfies the quantifier and hypothesisH': S n = S n' + x'
which is true forx'
.If you have multiple variables within the existential quantifier, e.g)
H0 : exists s1 s3 s4 : list T, s2 = s1 ++ s3 ++ s4 --------------
You can run
destruct H0 as (s1 & s3 & s5 & H0).
To introduce all the quantified variables and the hypothesis within a single command.
destruct H
(On hypotheses that areFalse
):Ex falso quodlibet. If a hypothesis is a
, complete the proof. -
induction x as ...
: induction on values of inductively defined types -
injection x as ... (in H)
: reason by injectivity on equalities between values of inductively defined types. (일대일 관계인 constructor 의 성질 추론)e.g
H: (n, m) = (x, y); injection H as H1 H2.
yieldsH1: n = m, H2: x = y
discriminate H
: reason by disjointness of constructors on equalities between values of inductively defined types within hypothesisH
(or goal if omitted). (proof by different contructors always being not equal) -
assert (H: e)
(orassert (e) as H
): introduce a “local lemma”e
and call itH
(보조정리 도입) -
assert (H1 := H)
: duplicate hypothesisH
generalize dependent x
: move the variablex
(and anything else that depends on it) from the context back to an explicit hypothesis in the goal formula. (reversesintros
and converts to universal quantification) -
revert x
: weaker version ofgeneralize dependent
: change a goal of the formf x = f y
intox = y
: Split the clauses of conjunction(logical AND)A /\ B
, into subgoalsA
. -
: Prove disjunction(logical OR)A \/ B
with either left clauseA
or right clauseB
. -
exists x
: Given an existential quantifier, substitute inx
in place of the quantified variable and make it the goal.Existential quantifiers are proved by giving a concrete “example” value for the quantified variable such that goal holds.
exists x
as the value in which the goal must be shown to hold. -
replace (x) with (y)
: replaces exprx
with expry
. Immediately creates goalx = y
. -
inversion E as [...]
: Inversion on evidence. Given an evidence proposition E as a hypothesis, select one of the inductively defined propsition of the evidence that matches the hypothesis.Example) Suppose we have
ev n
in the context whereev
is an inductive proposition of a nat being even:Inductive ev : nat -> Prop := | ev_0 : ev 0 | ev_SS (n : nat) (H : ev n) : ev (S (S n)).
ev n
can be either 0 orS S n'
for an even numbern'
.inversion E as [| n' E' Heq]
then identifies forn
to be even,n = 0 \/ ev (S S n')
must hold. The evidence ofev (S (S n'))
is:ev_SS n' E'
for some (even) nat
and evidenceE'
being even which is assumed to be true.Heq
describes the relationship betweenn
, which isn = S (S n')
.If I try to explain it informally,
We have
ev n
in the context. Forn
to be an even number, it must be either 0 or ifn = S (S n')
for some numbern'
must also be even.You can observe that
performs destruct in an opposite direction: it checks the cases in which an inductive property is defined and performs case analysis, identifying the precondition which is required for the hypothesis to hold.(For detailed info check the blog post on inductive props)
remember e as x
: Replace all occurrences of the expressione
with the variablex
, and addsx = e
to the context.-
remember e as x eqn:Eqx
: same as above, but name the equality asEqx
clear H
: Delete hypothesisH
from the context -
subst x
: Given a variablex
, find an assumptionx = e
ore = x
in the context, replacex
throughout the context and current goal, and clear the assumption -
: Substitute away all assumptions of the formx = e
ore = x
is a variable). -
rename... into...
: Change the name of a hypothesis in the proof context. For example, if the context includes a variable namedx
, thenrename x into y
will change all occurrences ofx
: Try to find a hypothesisH
in the context that exactly matches the goal; if one is found, solve the goal -
: Try to find a hypothesis H in the context that is logically equivalent to False. If one is found, solve the goal -
: Try to find a constructorc
(from some Inductive definition in the current environment) that can be applied to solve the current goal. If one is found, behave likeapply c
: run tactic on all remaining goals. Useful when running chained tactics with;
. example:all: unfold not; intros. inversion H
specialize H
: replaces a given hypothesis with that hypothesis applied to some other term.Example specialize {A B: Type} (H: A -> B) (a: A): B. Proof. specialize (H a). exact H. Qed.
specialize (H a)
will apply H to a (apply as in function application) and replacesH
with it. -
pose proof P
: introduce a previously proved theoremP
as a hypothesis. You can even use this to instantiate implications/theorems in your current goal context!For example, suppose I have
H : forall n m : nat, n < m -> n < m + 1
Then, I can do
pose proof (H 0 1)
to instantiateH
withn = 0, m = 1)
This is the same as
(specialize H 0 1)
, except specialize replaces the originalH
with the instantiated version. pose proof P as X
: …or as hypothesis nameX
Display, does not alter proof state
move h before h'
: Reorder hypothesish
so it comes right aboveh'
move h after h'
: …or right below itmove h at top
: …or to the topmove h at bottom
: …or to the bottom
(The following is quoted from Software Foundations)
The auto tactic solves goals that are solvable by any combination of intros
and apply
(of hypotheses from the local context, by default).
Using auto
is always “safe” in the sense that it will never fail and will never change the proof state: either it completely solves the current goal, or it does nothing.
By default, auto recursively attempts to apply apply
up to a given depth. You can specify the max search depth by using auto n
, where n
is a number.
When searching for potential proofs of the current goal, auto considers the hypotheses in the current context together with a hint database of other lemmas and constructors. Some common lemmas about equality and logical operators are installed in this hint database by default.
We can add theorems/constructors to the global hint database by writing
Hint Resolve T : core.
where T
is a top-level theorem or a constructor of an inductively defined proposition (i.e., anything whose type is an implication). As a shorthand, we can write
Hint Constructors c : core.
to tell Coq to do a Hint Resolve
for all of the constructors from the inductive definition of c
It is also sometimes necessary to add
Hint Unfold d : core.
where d
is a defined symbol, so that auto knows to expand uses of d
, thus enabling further possibilities for applying lemmas that it knows about.
debug auto.
: Vernacular command which prints the search trace of auto.info_auto.
: Vernacular command which shows what sequence of tactics succesfully proved the goal.
Ltac lets you create custom “macro” tactics to eliminate common tactic sequences into a single command.
H1: beval st b = false
H2: beval st b = true
Having the two hypothesis would result in calling rewrite H1 in H2; discriminate H2
to prove. Writing this in Ltac would result in:
Ltac rwd H1 H2 := rewrite H1 in H2; discriminate.
which lessens the amount of commands you have to type.
Pattern matching
Ltac also supports pattern matching on goals and hypotheses:
Ltac find_rwd :=
match goal with
H1: ?E = true,
H2: ?E = false
|- _ => rwd H1 H2
This would find two hypotheses that have the form E = true
, E = false
, and automatically call rwd
tactic we defined.
The syntax is similar to defining variables in Check
or Locate
: We use a question mark to specify what we’re looking for.
Ltac can also handle quantifiers:
Ltac find_eqn :=
match goal with
H1: forall x, ?P x -> ?L = ?R,
H2: ?P ?X
|- _ => rewrite (H1 X H2) in *
Ltac will try to find a proposition defined for some variable x which implies some equality, and then will also find a hypothesis in which it can apply the implication, and proceed to rewrite the implied equality.